
Boutonnierres and Bouquets question?

Does the boutonnierre need to match the bouquets? My bouquets are going to be gerbera daisies in fall colors, but I don't like the look of daisies as boutonnierres. Do you think it would look bad to have a sinlge orange/red rose for the men?
Boutonnierres and Bouquets question?
Hi... I can't believe that some one else is doing gerbera daisies... they are my favorite flower ever!!!! I am having 5 gerbera daisies in my bouquet surrounded by sweet heart roses and reg. roses so we decided because gerbera daisies are delicate we will do roses and these little brown berries for the boutonnierres... My florist showed me what it looks like and I love it... hope ive helped a bit CONGRATS!!!
Reply:They should be the same color family. I agree with you about the gerberas as boutonnieres - however, asters look similar, so they would work. Otherwise, mini carns look nice.

Single roses are lousy for boutonnieres - their heads flop by dinner time. Better to go with a few sweetheart roses.




This is what the little asters look like -

Reply:I think that would be the best choice the Gerber buts look like clown flowers to be but the bouquets look great
Reply:Yes please make sure all your things are coordinated with same or very close similiar colors.
Reply:definitely...friend is doing gerberas for us, and roses for the guys...another option is to use bright pocket squares instead of bouts...just a thought! :)
Reply:We didn't use the same flowers (the bouquets have lilies) but stuck with the same colors so the guys have ivory roses instead.
Reply:its your wedding, do it how you want it!
Reply:As long as it is the same color it should be okay. You just don't want it to look too different.
Reply:I don't think it would look bad at all as long as the colors go together. That's really what's important.
Reply:No that will look fine, and you are right-gerbers as bouts would look unusual %26amp; they don't hold up very well for that.
ice skates

