
Need help in Ohio...?

I have a flower bed that currently contains Petunia's, Gerbera Daisies, and Begonia's. I would love to plant some tulip bulbs there so they will bloom in the spring. Will the plants that are already there (the flowers) die and not come back, should I yank them out or trim them way down. I want to plant the bulbs in the same bed, I do have the room. Also, when should I plant the bulbs so they will bloom in spring? Any advice is very helpful. Thanks.
Need help in Ohio...?
All those plants are annuals in Ohio. They'll all die. Pull them out and compost them. Plant your bulbs NOW for spring bloom. You can't do it after the ground freezes.
Reply:Depending on your zone, the Gerberas should come back, possibly the petunias if they are perennials. Begonias will not survive a frost, but you can dig them up and/or take cutting to root in water and overwinter in your house.

Most people plant bulbs in the fall or early spring. I leave mine in the ground year round - zone 8.
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