I have always dreamed of having a wedding in Hot Pink, Orange, and Yellow with Gerbera Daisies in those colors... What does everyone think about that? It would be in the spring/summer.... any fun ideas to go along with those colors/flowers?
Wedding Colors/ Flowers?
sounds lovely
have any color scheme your heart desires
Reply:I love Gerbera Daisey's,I actually have an orange one tattooed on my back. And that's a great idea. Maybe if you have 2 or 3 bridesmaids have them wear a color,1 orange,1 hot pink,1 yellow. but then again it might be too much color. I saw 1 bride with an all pink bouquet pink roses and pink gerbera daisys. it was beautiful! Love the idea, hope I had more ideas but I'm plum out :(
Reply:I love it!!!! I wanted to do that....but I figured that out after the bridesmaids dresses were ordered! I think it would be beautiful, imagine the pictures!
Congrats, have fun planning!!
Reply:I think that would be great - nice and colourful!
Reply:I think that black would be a really sharp contrast to those colors.
My colors were red gerberas, white roses, and purple lilacs against black bridesmaid dresses and white tablecloths with black fabric under the centerpeice with white votive candles and a vase containing one of each of the flowers, then the champagne glasses standing around the outside of the black fabric.
So theres a fun idea...if you used white and black....and then instead of my flowers use you own! but then my wedding was a more formal evening wedding with a full dinner and everything...so...
Have fun!
Reply:I think you should do anything that makes you feel good on your special day. Don't let anyone talk you out of any of your ideas.
Reply:I think that sounds beautiful! You could do a lot with gerberas.
For the Ceremony:
You could have some BMs carrry all pink gerbera boquets, some carry only orange, and some carry only yellow, and yours could contain all three colors; or the BM boquets can be mixed and yours can be only one color; or the BMs boquets can be one color, and yours a different color--you could also have all the BMs carry the colorful flowers and make your boquet all white so that it sticks out.
For your colors, I think black would be the best color for the BM dresses.
For actual ceremony decor, you also have a lot of options: You could tie 3 gerberas to the chairs at the ends of the aisle (one in each color; or you can do all three the same color, and switch colors for every row):
Or you could use kissing balls instead:
You can also use gerberas for the ring bearer pillow:
Since gerberas have a large flower, you could also hang them from your alter.
For the guys, you can use a single gerbera, and you can have each one have a different color. Just remember that the petals of gerberas sometimes wilt, so you should order extra bouts for the guys so that they can replace them right before the reception or ceremony (if need be):
Here is a pic of a ceremony using your colors:
For the reception, you have a wide varay of options from traditional centerpieces to floating gerberas in water to having mutiple vases with single stems to hanging gerberas from the ceiling with fishing wire:
If you want to soften the look a bit, gerberas look great with roses:
Reply:I've seen pictures of weddings where the bridesmaids wore black dresses and carried bouquets like you described. It looked really classy.
The only thing I would recommend is not going too overboard with the color. Remember a little goes a long way.
Reply:now that sounds awsome! if you are getting married int he fall it will work because they are bold colors and would be cute as a summer wedding also! I love it way much! Congratulations on getting married!
Reply:That sounds really fun.
Here are some wedding favor boxes with Gerber Daisy's on them that are cute.
Reply:Daisies are my favorite flower and I love the bright ones, like the orange hot pink and blue ones, they are so pretty! I think that a spring wedding would be nice to have and the daisies would be amazing!
Good luck and God bless!