
Flowers from Costco?

how should i take care of bulk flowers???I'm getting flowers from COstco for my wedding and yes i'm really nervous they are Gerbera Daisies and even though i will be receiving the instructions with the package i was wondering if someone knows how to take care of them??? thank you!!!! Date : 08/11/07 Location: Atlanta GA
Flowers from Costco?
Get delivery the day of the wedding. You might pay extra, but storage will make it worth every penny.
Reply:I worked at a florist for 2 years.....

gerberas can be tempermental....definetly try to not get them anymore than 2 days before. as soon as you get them, fill up your kitchen sink or a bucket and if it comes with the flower food stuff add some of that and clip the bottoms of the stems under water at an angle and let them sit for a minute or 2 before removing them from the water to avoid air bubbles getting into the stems. (if air gets in the stems, it will travel up and when it hits the flower, they are gone!) have a CLEAN bucket with water and preferably the flower food (not miracle grow) and put the flowers in there and keep them refrigerated until you do your arrangements. with gerberas, the key is to not do extreme temp changes and keep them in water as long as possible. if you have some that aren't lookin so hot....go back to costco and pitch a fit....make them replace them. they should be able to quickly b/c most wholesalers they use are either local or can overnite stuff to them. GOOD LUCK and congrats!

oh, and don't rely completly on those water-tube things if they give them to you...gerberas are a very thirsty flower and will drink up that little amount of water in a few hours....believe me, Ive seen it happen!
Reply:Just keep them in water as long as possible before arranging them into bouquets. If possible, you can even put water tubes on the ends when you make them into bouquets (just cover the tubes with ribbon.)

Also you need to keep the flowers cool. A refrigerator works well. You should store the bulk flowers in a refrigerator before making the bouquets, and then put the bouquets into the refrigerator after you make them.

It should be fine. Gerbera Daisies hold up pretty well!
Reply:How far in advance are you going to be receiving these flowers prior to your wedding. Try not to get them more than a day or two before. If the come with the vials attached to the ends that are filled with water, make sure the vials are full. You can trim the stems on an angle to help them fully absorb the water. If they don't come with water vials, keep wet paper towels wrapped around the ends. If it is at all possible, keep them refrigerated also. If left out, especially in the heat, you will start to lose petals and they will wilt. Like I said, make sure you receive them no sooner than a day or two prior to the wedding to ensure their freshness.

